Sony Animation and Universal

From Universal to Sony Animation we learned about the industry in some really interesting ways. When we got to Universal this morning we were immediately watching an Access Hollywood set. What we came across was 3 different camera shooting, one being a steady cam, who we got to talk to a bit later. In addition to that, we had some free time before our tour, which I will get to later, so we walked to the Harry Potter section of the park. There was another crew shooting however we really couldn’t tell what they were shooting for. If I had to guess it would be closer to a commercial, as it had a lot more equipment and crew on that shoot. From there we moved onto Sony Animation and that was a ton of new information. As a group, none of us are animators or have really toyed around with it, hearing the explanation of the process was really eye-opening and actually served a greater purpose to us. One of the people we talked with showed us the importance of storyboarding not just as an animator but for filmmakers. She actually used an example citing Parasyte as a film that was storyboarded before any cameras were even touched. But at the end of the day when talking to another student here on the trip we both said if we were a bit more artistically gifted we would approach that field
