Brunch, Paramount, and Chaplin

We started the day with a nice brunch with a person in the industry named Micheal G Kehoe. When doing our research on him we learned about just how diverse he was in the industry. Not only has he directed, but he’s also acted, produced, wrote, and even has his own craft service company. As someone who is so versatile the information he told us was extremely useful, plus he gave me some tips on producing which is something I’m very interested in. From there we went to Paramount and had a studio tour there that to me was lackluster it felt more like a film history course than anything else and even then it wasn’t much. Then we went to dinner and then traveled to watch a Charlie Chaplin movie in 70mm on a theater screen. Although we aren’t supposed to get super personal it was amazing, I had so much more fun than the sitcoms we went to. Unfortunately, at the end of the day our car got broken into. A bad end to an otherwise good day.
